
Svend Christensen was born in Denmark and came over to Prince Edward Island, Canada by ship in the mid 1920's at the age of 8. His family started a farm there. When he was in England for WW2 he was saved, accepting Christ as his Savior. After the war he went to Emmaus Bible School. Brother Christensen started several churches around the Orlando, FL area in addition to several churches in Prince Edward Island, Canada. He and his wife had six children. Svend Christensen passed into glory in 1992.

Displaying all 3 Audio message matching 'Messages delivered in 1969 by Svend Christensen'
All messages by Svend Christensen, All speakers from 1969
Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Christensen, Svend Marvels Of Grace ~ Colossians 4;7-18 Colossians Grace 1969-11-30 Park Of The Palms English language
Arrow_down Pixel Christensen, Svend The Means Of Spiritual Power ~ Col 3;16-25 1969-11-30 Park Of The Palms English language
Arrow_down Pixel Christensen, Svend The Power Of Christ ~ Col 3;1-15 Christ 1969-11-29 Park Of The Palms English language