
Tom Wilson was born in Angola, the son of pioneer missionaries, T. Ernest and Elizabeth Wilson. Tom was an electrician by trade and was always active in his local assembly. In 1966 the family left Zambia for the USA. In 1971, Tom and Ruth Wilson were commended to the Lord’s work in Zimbabwe and served there for many years. His primary ministries were Bible teaching, discipleship and leadership development in the Ndebele-speaking assembly.

They returned to the US in the 1980s toMore …

Displaying Audio message 1 - 20 of 135 matching 'Messages by Tom Wilson'
All messages by Tom Wilson, All messages in English
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Speaker Title and Tags Date Place Lang
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom 1 Corinthians 12 1Corinthians 2004-08-01 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom 1 Corinthians 14 1Corinthians 2004-08-01 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom 1 John 2 1John 2010-04-11 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom 2 Kings 16_Ahaz_The House Of God_Pollution And Profanity 2Kings unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Acts 28 Acts 2010-08-29 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Acts 6 Acts 2001-04-01 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Away from the Lord ~ Jeremiah Jeremiah 2004-08-22 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Blessings of Israel ~ Deut 33 Israel -- 1996 -- Linwood Gospel Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Can The Resurrection Story Be Authenticated ~ Luke 24 Luke Resurrection 2001-04-15 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Choices Series Joshua ~ Joshua 23 Joshua 2005-08-28 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Christ Our Satisfaction ~ Exodus 17 Christ Exodus -- 2005 -- Greenwood Hills Assembly English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Christ Our Sustenance ~ Exodus 16 Christ Exodus -- 2005 -- Greenwood Hills Assembly English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Conversion And Consecration To The Lord unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Daniel Chapter 4 Daniel unavailable unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Daniel's Time & Today Daniel -- 1996 -- unavailable English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Dealings of the Holy Spirit -- 1990 -- Greenwood Hills Assembly English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Deuteronomy 5 Deuteronomy 2003-08-03 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Developing Christian Growth and Character ~ 2 Peter 1 2Peter 2005-04-17 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Doctrines to Consider What is the Church Fellowship and Reception 2013-04-21 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
Arrow_down Pixel Wilson, Tom Doctrines To Maintain That People Make Up The Church the Rememberance Meeting 2013-04-14 Fifth Avenue Chapel English language
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